self portorait


I have started a new photo project.
It is kind of like a self portrait, but It is not photograph,it's a drawing.

Last Sunday I went to Central Park to have an artist there draw my portrait.
There were more than 10 artist in the park!
Some of them draw realistic portraits and others are less life-like.

Then,I chose a female Chinese artist.
She told me,Black&whitedrowing would be 80 dollars.
I said to her"That's too expensive! Let me think about it."
Instantly,She said "40. OK? 40"
I thought it is still too expensive for me.
Finally I bargained her down to 30 dollars.

I asked her to draw a comical portraits.
It took her about a half an hour to finish the drawing.
The portrait was so great that I laughed.
It made me happy.

I will go back to Central Park to have another artist do my portrait again in different styles.
I need a couple of more portraits.

I am going to the dark room to continue printing my portfolio tomorrow.
And also I want to research where debris from the WTC has been placed.