

10月31日 水曜日シリーズ作品の記録のため日本語で記入。快晴60度。 ここ数日はすっかり秋めいてセントラルパークの木々も色付きはじめる。 軽くシリアルを朝食に12時に家を出る。 4トレインのブルックリンブリッジ駅を降り、広場でマンハッタンの…


Tuesday.Today is also a beautiful day.Last night,I cooked pudding. I went tableware store to get some plates for pudding. All of them cost 50 dollars. At first,I hesitated to get them,but finally I bought them.I could cook a pudding very w…

self portorait

Tuesday.I have started a new photo project. It is kind of like a self portrait, but It is not photograph,it's a drawing.Last Sunday I went to Central Park to have an artist there draw my portrait. There were more than 10 artist in the park…

Autumn in NY

Sunday.Recently,We have been enjoying beautiful days.2days ago,I started doing sit-ups from 2days ago because I have had a backache. My muscles in my lower back have been sore. I was wodering why sit-ups is good for backache. If my back ac…

print at print space

Friday.Everything didn't go well yesterday.I was late to get to dark room as usual. I don't know why I lacked concentration all the time I print yesterday.I didn't realize my mistake about printing until I finished. My mistake was about F-…

staten island

monday.I'm writing my blog in English. Because I think I have to improve my English. Anyway, If I don't do anything,Nothing would happen.Today I went to Staten Island to have photo-shooting. But I couldn't find a good location . So I took …


木曜日。 夜は薄い霧。 最近ワインをまとめて買ったので、就寝前にちょっと飲む。 電話が調子悪く実家に電話ができないまま。司馬遼太郎の「幕末」を読み終える。 幕末の志士の血も屍も歴史的遺産であるとのこと。昨晩、今日とまたメキシカンを撮る。 1年以…